3 Long-Standing Movie One-Liners for Everyday Situations

The word “funny” is a matter of perspective. Something funny is not just something to laugh at, it can also stand for something shrewd, sarcastic, rude and yes, funny too.

The word “funny” is a matter of perspective. Something funny is not just something to laugh at, it can also stand for something shrewd, sarcastic, rude and yes, funny too. No matter what, there is always something funny that can be said for every situation in life.

Having something funny to say can make people popular among their circles. If you want to be one of these funny-things-to-say experts, read on.

Here are 3 instances for you to have something funny to say and what to say from the movies:

  • The epitome of indifference: Imagine a person constantly haranguing you some stuff. Some stuff which you do not care about really but no matter what, that person will make sure that you listen to him or her and what he or she has to say. The best thing to shut them up, say it just like Rhett did in the 1939 classic Gone With The Wind: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Period. This is bound to make them realize just how much you do not care.

There are many websites that provide something funny to say for you. Look them up and get funny.

  • The best farewell bidding: Imagine being able to get out of a place in which you were frustrated about staying for hours now. Be it a party, a group study, or any kind of gathering among your friends, that you have been getting bored of, the best way to bid farewell to them when you can finally leave, say those famous magical words: “Hasta la vista, baby” (Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)).
  • Welcome Holidays: It is the last day of college before the Holidays, all of you and your friends are done with your tests and are waiting for the bell to ring. You move up to the front of the class and just before its time, get Braveheart and say: “They may take our lives…but they’ll never take our freedom!” This will surely be the best and funniest welcome to the Holidays your friends could have ever imagined.

These are only 3 points which how you can get funny at the right moment. Just like these, you will be able to find more weird things to say on numerous websites. Search them up and get weird.

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